Buchanan's Deluxe 12 Year Scotch Whisky
Buchanan's Deluxe 12 Year Scotch Whisky is a classic blend that features notes of honey, oak, and dark chocolate. The result is a perfectly balanced flavor that's both smooth and bold, making it a great choice for sipping neat or over ice.
Whether you're a seasoned scotch drinker or just starting to explore the world of whiskey, Buchanan's Deluxe 12 Year Scotch Whisky is a great choice. Its rich and complex flavor profile is sure to satisfy even the most refined palates, while its smooth finish makes it a great choice for enjoying on its own or in your favorite cocktails. So why wait? Order now at Craft Spirit Shop and experience the sophisticated taste of Buchanan's Deluxe 12 Year Scotch Whisky.
It has orange and chocolate notes, perfect to be served on the rocks or with soda, garnished with a strip of orange peel.