Crown Royal Canadian Whisky
There is a reason why Crown Royal has stood above all other Canadian whiskies for more than 6 generations. Crown Royal Deluxe is the standard of excellence for premium blended Canadian whisky, aged to perfection. It is an extraordinary blend of our finest whiskies, matured to perfection in charred oak casks that give it its unique taste.
Crown Royal Deluxe is the epitome of the finest whiskies matured to perfection, blended in a single blend to create a perfect balance. Crown Royal Canadian Whisky has rich aromas of fruit, caramel, spices and oak. A creamy lush taste with lots of spice and fruit character finishes with lots of oak character. When you pour Crown Royal Deluxe in your glass, you are in for a respectful experience. Crown Royal is enjoyed in highballs, cocktails or straight-up on the rocks.
Rich and robust, with slight hints of vanilla and fruit.
Delicately smooth and creamy with hints of oak and the sweet flavor of vanilla.
Long and lingering.